Tuesday, March 31, 2009


It amazes me at how quickly our children learn from us. Z is a 22 month old sponge. She sees and hears everything we do. Then she does it..her vocabulary is still not quite there. She loves to help make dinner, clean up after dinner, wash dishes, set the table, feed her babies, bring in the milk, fold laundry, feed the dogs, comb my hair...ouch:0), take phone calls, put her babies & mommy to sleep, just to name a few. I blows me away how much they are learning. I have been having such a tough time thinking I am not teaching her enough. clearly I am.

Lately she has been so into playing "mommy". You will notice her loving her baby & nursing her just like mommy. How precious that she understands how to nurture a baby. This to me makes me realize how God is with us...so gentle and always teaching us. Now, we just have to listen!!!! All the wonderful things to learn as children and then again as adults.

Z reminds me everyday that I am still a child in God's eyes & he wants to teach me. I know if I fix my eyes on him I will learn to walk in his footsteps & be able to guide my children down his path as well. Amazing, the simple everyday things that go on around us always bring us back to our center, GOD!


  1. Very nicely put Evangeline! She is so sweet and learning so much - so yes you are showing her lots you just may not realize it!! Hope to see you and her soon!!

  2. Hi Eva,
    Here is the link to the website that I found the sunhat: http://www.candleonthehill.net/store/catalog.php?item=289&catid=3&ret=catalog.php%3Fcategory%3D3

    If that doesn't work just google candle on the hill store and search under boy patterns. Good Luck!
