Sunday, November 22, 2009

So little time...

I am just dropping a quick note to all of you letting you know I have not forgotten you... I am overwhelmed with changes. As you may have read in the previous post, I got a full time job...babysitting. Z is still with me and I am working at their home everyday! I am going to take a break from posting for a few weeks, probably. I will continue to read yours and give feedback when I find time!

So, catch up with you later..... Oh, and have a Happy Thanksgiving!!

Thursday, November 12, 2009


So, I am writing this post to share the bittersweet changes that are happening RIGHT NOW!! My husband works so very hard to provide for our family, it breaks my heart to see him struggle with the way the economy is. We are a very thrifty family & do not spend much money on extra things...( well, yarn of course). With the ups & downs of life...GULP, I have to get a job. I have been at my home with my daughter since 2 months before she was born... I love it. Freedom, flexibility, comfort, and joy! So, with all the crazy things happening... I found a job, a FULLTIME job. Yikes! I will be babysitting a 17 week old little boy at there home... ugh! Z will still be with me & I know that is the only thing that matters.. but to be away from my home 5 days a week, stinks.

Now, they are a wonderful family and are being very accommodating to myself & Z. They will allow me to go do errands, continue to have play dates, go to the library, stores, and the best things is they are willing to let me take him to MOPS!!!!!! Yeah! I know this will be a big adjustment for Z & I, but I know God has this all planned for his favor! I am trying to find out how to be organized and hopefully things will run smoothly. Any suggestions? I have not worked out of my home with Z ever!!

I imagine in the long run it will be fine! I won't be able to waste time at home on the computer all day when I should be doing chores.... boo hoo..., can really get my quiet time & Bible studies done,  I guess I will get quite a bit of knitting done, while he is sleeping or just playing.. that is good. This, I think, will force me to be disciplined to keep my home clean and in order, so when we return, there is nothing to do but spend time together. What about dinner... I won't get home until 5:40PM... Any suggestions? I was thinking crock-pot, and frozen meals....the only problem with frozen meals is they will have to be in the fridge all day & they still take up to 1hr to cook, sometimes. Yikes.... I suppose I will figure it out! I am a little concerned with Z, how will she do with this change?

This decision was mutual for my hubby & I, and I am so stressed out about it. He is so much more like -  no big deal, we will figure it out, and on to another conversation, and I am more like - oh my gosh, what about the dogs, Z, and what about the house chores, and what about dinner and the drive home, no computer!....   Get a Grip Eva! It is not the end of the world. Life changes happen to us all & I am trying to embrace this one! Thanks for listening

Thursday, November 5, 2009

A tiny bite of Autumn...

I stumbled upon this recipe at Joy The Baker. Let me tell you how delicious they are... I don't even think I can tell you without drooling.. The hint of pumpkin with the chocolate chips, it's the perfect combination & then add a tiny bit of powdered sugar on top..Urgh...I will never lose weight! My 2 year old could not stop eating them or saying " These a nummy mommy, nummy". I had a MOPS meeting today and decided to take them... they flew off the plate. Go, buy the ingredients, come home &  make them, NOW!!!! They are so moist! I made the batter the night before & then baked them in the morning! Easy!

So, head over to Joy The Baker and copy down the recipe and gobble them up. How great would it be to have one of these on everyone's plate on Thanksgiving.. Yummy!

A Photo for the Wall

I recently won an 18 x 24 poster from Uprinting.. through A Familiar Path.  I have finally recieved my poster in the mail. It is FABULOUS! The picture is very clear & looks exactly how I submitted it!

So, what do you think? Good choice? Bad Choice? I really wanted a picture of the land that my dad has built a cabin on...but idid not have a good enough quality this is what i decided on..after days & days of changing my mind!

Thanks again Melissa!

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Silks, Silks, & more Silks....a giveaway

Recently GardenMama interviewed Hip Mountain Mama about her business & being a stay at home mom. What a great interview...check it out. If you happen to come upon it...they are having a wonderful giveaway!!!!

Both blogs are full of great information & creative ideas. Good luck! To enter the giveaway please go to the following page.....   Hip Mountain Mama: *Three* Part Giveaway!!

Monday, November 2, 2009

"Why the snow go, Mama?"

The question of the day..."Why the snow go, mama?"


What the day brings...

Well, it is Halloween again...what will Z wear??? Sometimes I am o together & have everything all figured out, and then there are times, like this year, when it's 4:00 and I am thinking of what I can pull together for a costume! With my thinking cap on and creative juices flowing...I stumble upon an idea that makes me proud! So... what can you make out of diaper boxes, silver cord, & scrapbooking paper, you ask??? 

My Sweet Little RUBIX CUBE!!! This was one of the quickest & easiest costumes I ever made! Just a staple here & a staple there...and you have it!

It was a wonderful night with just a tiny nip in the air. Z had a pretty good time! She was a little scared of some houses that were decorated & some costumes, but for the most part very willing to participate! 

Hope you had a Gobblin Good Time!!